Thursday, June 23, 2011

We are all back home except for one

We all made it back home after 32 hours of flying and waiting in airports, oh welcome to Africa.  Matthew stayed behind for 2 more weeks to work with Ghetto Light a great ministry to youth in Kibera, he is actually living right in the middle of it with Abel and Milkah the leaders there.  he will be helping with the large soccer and arts program they have here.

Sorry for the slow postings during the past 2 weeks and not pictures but all of that will change now and you are going to see some great shots of what we were doing there and the incredible people that God has placed in our lives from these 2 countries.  Stayed tuned.

Thanks so much for praying for our team while we were away, the many people we had the privilege to share lives with, they are so neat and God loves them so much.

AS you can tell I have been up since about 4:00 a.m. this morning but feeling good, Ms Diane is still sleeping and hopefully will for sometime.

Blessing from our team and the many ladies and their children in Kenya and Burundi,

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