Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday – “Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my innermost being, praise His holy Name!

Lined up as compactly as possible, we see the women of the ministry center busily working at their sewing machines.  As soon as we are visible, clapping, smiles and singing begins!  There is barely space to move into their narrow space housing sewing on one side and hairdressing on the other….but you’d never know it was a difficult working space by the looks of their faces.  Praises swell as all the women stand up, singing from their hearts, swaying, dancing, rejoicing! Then the testimonies begin.  I don’t think we have ever experienced the depths of thankfulness and testimony to the absolutely goodness of God as we witnessed today!  Each one begins by saying that they cannot express how good God is, how He has blessed them, that only He is worthy of praise!  These are not women who are living comfortably; most of them live in a small rented room, eating once a day (food provided at the center), once living on the streets. Yet…..they cannot stop praising God!  For we, who have so much, this is humbling.  They share of being forced to live in the bush, carry weapons for rebel soldiers, finally escaping only to find that they must live on the dangerous streets.  Abandoned, abused, the pain of their lives is dramatically evident in their faces.  We know this is the tip of the iceberg of what they have endured, but it is enough to let us know that they have suffered much, but have so gratefully received God’s mercy and grace.  It is hard to stay composed as they share from the depths of their hearts.  This center is their refuge, their safe haven, where they have been given a second chance at life, found love and Jesus!  They are almost finished with their training and will soon “graduate,” and all so anxious to begin their own businesses when they receive their own sewing machine upon completion of their training.  Ability to pay rent, buy food, send children to school---imagine!  It is more than they had ever dared hope. The ministry is already helping them with such things, but soon they will be able to provide for themselves.  As they speak of the future, their demeanor is one of pride, dignity-they have accomplished much and now have confidence that God is with them and they will succeed.  These are real women, real life, lives transformed and making huge impact here!  What joy!
A particular prayer request that we have had for some time is to find a better place for the ministry center where more women can be a part of the program (more than 200 on the waiting list), have room for a sewing co-op, increase the literacy program, and touch more lives.  Peace and her team have been looking for a long time; we’ve been asking everyone to pray specifically for such a space at a fair price (not extorted because they are connected with the US).  Today we visited what looks like a very good possibility for their next ministry home!!!  John and I went with Peace to look at a home not far from their present location, which is a good central place for the women to come to.  Walled and gated, we enter a large covered porch to a three bedroom house with two baths, kitchen, good sized living area with small servant quarters/bath in the large walled back yard.  With much more than their present space, it stands next to a hospital being constructed and across the street from a doctor.  It is a safer, quiet street providing much better security.  What a joy it would be to have windows and ventilation!  Where they are now, there is only the open front, no windows or ventilation, and it can be sweltering.  Light; air; we can already see great possibilities with this place!  We are able to discuss a few details  with the owner’s representative.  As we return later in the day to meet with the owner, he agrees to the changes……and it is a fair price!!!  Final negotiations remain, but we are thanking God for bringing this possibility!  THANK ALL OF YOU who have prayed for this!  Please continue to pray as details are worked out. 
Then we went to Peace’s church for their Friday night service, a tin roofed, open sided building that holds more than 1,000!  Worship had begun when we entered as we were led to the very front.  For an hour we entered into some of the most amazing, beautiful worship ever!  Words can’t adequately describe; transcendent!  Perhaps we can post some of the video we captured for you to actually hear it. We were called up on stage to be introduced, and as we looked out, we saw that the building was almost entirely full!  On a Friday!…….An incredible experience and just a preview of what Sunday worship will be like.
On to dinner by the shore of Lake Tanyanika, one of the largest lakes in the world bordering Tanzania, Congo and Burundi.  Also where hippos often come up from the lake, enter the road and stop traffic!  Unfortunately, we didn’t see any this time….but we can imagine.
An incredibly full day, not just of activity, but of spirit.  We are soaking in it, connecting with our sisters, joining hearts.  It seems like we’ve already been here for days!  Such special people, precious women…….sisters that we have already come to love.

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