Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday - Burundi

“I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”  Jer. 29:11 
We bid farewell to Kenya and made the short flight to Bujumbura, Burundi, to the greetings of our dear sister, Peace!  It was so good to see her beautiful smile and meet her newest co-worker, Mandie, a clinical psychologist who is a huge help in counseling the women.  We’re staying at the King’s Conference Center, build by missionaries just a few years ago, a lovely place in rather dismal surroundings.  After settling in, we were able to go to the weekly fellowship for ministry.  Again, the amazing African greeting of enthusiastic singing and dancing as we entered their meeting hall!  Praises echoing to the beating of drums (and tables), their voices raised the roof!  After several songs, the choir of the ministry presented several special songs for us, one especially written by them for the occasion.  The translation was of a special welcome to their friends who had come from so far away, those who pray for them and love them and have finally arrived.  Never have we ever had such a touching welcome!  After we were introduced, Mary, one of the ministry leaders, told us that there were many who wanted to share their testimony.  One after one after another, similar stories of abandonment, abuse, living on the streets, sick, hopelessness……they shared their tragic stories.  “No one ever thought I would live.”  “I despaired of living.”  “No one would approach me.”  “I was shunned and forgotten,” …..UNTIL each of them connected with the ministry, and there the stories continued to echo the same sentiments.  “I was totally accepted and loved.” “Here I have found hope!”  “I came to know Jesus and found new life.”  “Here there is no discrimination; we are loved.”  One girl , formerly a Muslim, shared how she had found Jesus and joy.  Each one told how much the training had meant to them; now they have skills, can provide for themselves and their families, more than they could have ever dreamed of.  Illiterate, they have learned to read and write, and most importantly, they are discipled in the Word every day.  With tears of joy and thanksgiving, it was hard for them to fully express their gratitude for all the Lord has done for them through this ministry, truly transformed lives!
As the meeting closed, there were endless hugs, smiles, and sweet words of blessing.  At dinner Peace shared more about the background of most of these dear women, born in the countryside, orphaned or desperately poor, they come to the city thinking they will be able to find some sort of work, only to find that they cannot.  Usually forced into prostitution, they struggle just to survive.  Several now with children, they are in despair as to what to do.  As only God can arrange, they met Peace and became a part of the ministry and begin learning how to sew or do hairdressing.  An integral part of the training is learning about Jesus, being taught the scriptures, how God loves them and wants to give them an entirely new life.  One by one, they accept this truth for themselves and life truly begins for them.  The result…..HOPE…..JOY……DIGNITY…….REDEMPTION!
Tomorrow we will spend the day with these precious women at the ministry center, listening, sharing, and getting to know these who are our sisters.  As we listened to the recurring themes of new joy, hope and acceptance, it was a keen reminder that it is only in Jesus that we are truly accepted; because of Him, we have hope, joy and LIFE!  It is just the same for us as it is for them.  There is no other source! Yesu ashimwe!  Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have arrived safely and got such a warm welcome to Burundi!
