Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday – Who have I in heaven but you?

Open air church – packed to overflowing, we return to Peace’s church for Sunday worship.  We arrive about 10:30; praise and worship started a few hours ago, but we get to join in for yet more.  The pastor’s brother is preaching today, and he gave a great message based on John 10:10.  He went into detail about how the enemy is determined to destroy us; it is his goal and total strategy, and he employs any means possible to do so.  Referring to past conflicts, he reminds us that the person firing the weapon is not our enemy; it is Satan who is working through that person.  The destruction of lives is the result of evil unleashed on this earth, and we must be aware and on guard.  God designed us to have abundant life, life in intimate fellowship with Him, finding our strength, protection, our satisfaction in Him.  We cannot expect to find abundant life if we are living a life in contradiction to His will, but as we walk in fellowship with Him, we will experience all that He has planned and designed us for.  After about four hours, the service concludes; no clock watching here.
This afternoon we had the opportunity to meet with many of the women who are currently on the waiting list to enter the ministry program and the grandmothers who, though not able to take up new vocations at this point, are struggling to raise grandchildren.  About 100 met us in their meeting location in another part of the city, and though many of them are older, they are certainly young and vibrant in spirit!  Again…..dancing, singing, praising!  As always, they express thankfulness that we have come, that we made it safely, that they had been praying for our visit…..always humbling.  As they began to share testimony (the people here seem to be unable to contain their gratitude and desire to declare the goodness of the Lord!), an older lady stood up and shared that some of her youth had been restored since being a part of this group.  Even though all of them struggle to have adequate food, she said they are fed here by the Word of God, and they are thankful!  Here she said she felt the burden of poverty broken and her spirit renewed.  Another younger woman shared that she had graduated from the program and now has her own sewing business and is able to provide for her family.  Before that, she was in terrible condition, but now she is more than surviving.  But she asked, “What can we do now for our sons, our boys?”  This is the question that has haunted us for some time.  We must respond to the needs of girls/women and address the immediate crises they face, but if the cycle of abuse is ever to be broken, the hearts of boys/men must be changed.
Mary, Peace’s partner who leads this group, explained that a number of the women are Muslim; one has come to the Lord!  She asked how many of them had come to know Christ, and more than a majority of them eagerly raised their hand and shouted Amen!
Natalie shared a testimony of how God has worked in her life, and what she shared resonated with the women.  You could see that they appreciated and identified with what she said.  Though our situations are radically different, we are all challenged, and we can all identify and rejoice in God’s mercy and faithfulness.
We ended our evening with dinner by the lake at a restaurant open to the beach, listening to the waves, walking along the sand, watching the sunset. We are soaking in everything God is showing us, but there is much to process and absorb.  We are so thankful for the opportunity to be here.  As we continue to listen to the testimonies of the people here, there is a common thread…..”Who have I in heaven but You, God?”  And when we take the time to put aside all that attempts to consume and entangle us in this life, this primary truth remains…….there is no one or nothing  that matters more than You, Lord.  All else will fade away, but You are forever and always.

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