Monday, June 13, 2011

Jambo from Kenya

Saturday – Jambo!   We’ve arrived!
We’re writing up postings even though we haven’t been able to get online yet and may not for a while, but we did finally land in Kenya!  It was a long journey, more than 24 hrs, but at last we set foot on African ground!  By the time we arrived at Homecare Retreat and got into our rooms it was almost midnight, the ending to a long trek.  We’re so thankful to be here and looking forward to worship tomorrow and seeing Nairobi in the light. 

Sunday – Praise and Passion!!
All of us enjoyed a good night’s sleep, collapsing into our beds.  This morning we were able to see the lush grounds of the retreat center and begin to soak in Kenya.

We joined the worship of the NPC Karen church not far from here, meeting up with our host and ministry partner, Judy Mbugua, and her husband, Richard.  Long before we entered the church we heard joyous singing!  There is nothing dull about African worship services, and we quickly were drawn into the spirit of worship and celebration with the choir and congregation.  Many of us were surprised at how many of the worship songs were ones we sing at home….universal praise!  We were warmly welcomed by the congregation and felt quite at home.  The pastor shared a message from Rev. 3:14-21, the letter to the church of Laodicea. What a challenge to us to hear him address the lukewarmness of this church and how we compare today; are we passionate in our love for Jesus?  Do we have a fiery zeal for the Lord?  Or have we become apathetic, complacent, and indifferent?  He was challenging the people here in Nairobi, but it might as well as be in our hometowns as well.  It is comforting to read verse 19:  “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.”  If we are being rebuked, it is because of and out of His love for us, to draw us closer to Him and draw life from Him.  It was a great message that we could all identify with.  Following the service we went to the Mbugua’s home for lunch and fellowship, always a huge treat!  A table full of African dishes awaited us, and as we enjoyed the delicious food, we had the chance to visit with other members of the Mbugua’s family, friends, and pastors, great fellowship indeed.

Jet lag settled in later in the afternoon, but before we ended our time there, the pastor’s wife led us in a rousing Swahili worship song; you can’t be still or indifferent in this kind of praise!  He read Ps. 20 over us as a prayer and blessing for our team and the coming week of ministry, so appropriate for our time here, for the Lord to answer us at any time of distress, that He would send us help when needed, and that He would remember what we share here as a pleasing sacrifice to Him.  Also that our/His plans would succeed, be fulfilled perfectly, and to be encouraged that though some trust in chariots and horses, we can be confident in the strength of our Lord!  We will rise up and stand firm!  That is indeed our prayer for our time here, that the Lord’s plans be fulfilled by His power and strength and we would be keenly aware of His presence with us.
We’re sorry for not being able to post this on the blog today, but even if you read this a bit later, we hope you can grasp the blessing it is to be here even from our very first day.  We are praying for our time in Limuru tomorrow as we share with those in the Homecare ministry there, particularly grandmothers who have had to take on the responsibility of raising their grandchildren.  May they be encouraged!


  1. Praying for energy and stamina for you both....and good sleep at night. We love y"all. Jan

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the blog! So glad you arrived safely and had a great Sunday! Blessings on your week!
