Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday – Gratitude

How quickly the days have passed – our last full day in Burundi.  Our last time to go to the center and be with our dear sisters.  Our custom ordered clothing was ready, and the women were so anxious for everyone to try them on.  Talk about a fashion show!  Each one fit to a “T.”  They even taught us how to make the headdresses made from lengths of cloth from the outfits…now we are African!  Even more fun than seeing our team model their new clothes was to take a picture of each one with the woman who made it.  It was wonderful to see their smiles, so proud of their work – dignity.  They had also rushed to make bags for us to bring home to sell, working into the night. 
We had the chance to listen to the personal stories of two of the women; we will have to share them with you later; they are just too detailed and intense for me to share right now.  But suffice it to say, they are gripping.  The pain in recall is obvious; we weep together.  “I was unwanted, hated; I learned to hate others, distrust them and believe that there was no such thing as love.”  This is a common theme.  But thankfully, …..the beautiful new theme is “Here I found love, felt love for the first time.  I was accepted, encouraged, and given a chance to learn, grow.  How I thank God for this place and those who help us!”  The overwhelming attitude here is gratitude, to God, for Peace and this ministry center, for the opportunity to learn to read and write, have a life sustaining skill, come alive!  As our time to leave approaches, the women present us with gifts….think of it; they who have so little wanted to make things for each of us to say thank you!  “You and all those who help this ministry are our family.”

Again, Peace tells us that as much as money is needed to sustain the ministry, what they truly treasure is having people who care for them come and be with them!  It is the presence of those who come to pray, listen and encourage that lifts them up.  Peace had told them that friends were coming; many said they doubted that those friends existed or would really come so far to this small, forgotten country, and they rejoiced to see that what she said was true!
Again, we sing, dance, praise and pray.  It is so hard for westerners to understand the power of presence; I’m still learning.  What I do know is that each of us has been enormously blessed to meet these courageous women; we are awed to see the way God has worked and is working in their lives.  It will take some time to process what we have experienced on this trip, almost impossible to soak it all in.  But we come away with hearts full, spirits lifted, hope high and keen desire to pray for these and all the women who so need and want to be a part of this sort of ministry.  We are challenged to pray more, share their stories, support them and see their numbers increase. And we, like our sisters, are enormously grateful.

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